Tag: Becoming The Archetype

January 30, 2012

Metaphysical Monday: Missionary Music

I’ve felt the call to be a missionary since I was a little kid.  Some might say that as a member of Becoming The Archetype, I am a type of missionary.  Those people wouldn’t necessarily be wrong, but that’s not the sort of missionary I’ve been called to ultimately be.  A great blessing has been that God has also called my wife and brother to the mission field, so we’ve begun discussing possibilities for all going together.  Right now I’m in sort of a waiting game as my brother just started getting his Master’s of Divinity and my wife is getting her medical degree. … Continued →

January 23, 2012

Metaphysical Monday: A Case of the Mondays?

“Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays” If you haven’t heard that phrase before, stop reading this and go watch Office Space.  If you have heard it, I hope your day so far isn’t nearly as dreadful as any of the characters’ in the movie.  So here’s your Metaphysical Monday to cheer you up! As we discussed and seemed to all agree last week, music has a profound spiritual significance.  That significance can be difficult to explain, but it’s not difficult to experience.  Why does music weigh so heavily on our souls? … Continued →

January 16, 2012

November 28, 2011

March 27, 2011

January 18, 2011

January 17, 2009

REVIEW : Becoming The Archetype - Dichotomy

Band: Becoming the Archetype Album: Dichotomy Label: Solid State Records Review by: Stephen M To begin, I would like to note that I do not claim to be an objective, professional music critic or anything of that sort. I am one who enjoys listening to music. Any reviews by me are merely my opinion on an album and are not intended to be taken as the product of a well-educated aficionado. I apologize for any out-of-hand generalizations or music prejudices. Any criticism and comments are welcome (and much needed).… Continued →