My Epic Join Tooth & Nail Records

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Tooth & Nail Records has just signed the band – My Epic! This will be the first time in their careers that they’ve changed labels. Their last non-label release was “This is Rescue (EP)” back in 2006. Congrats to the band and label. Let’s not forget all the amazing music they made with Facedown Records. They’ve got quite a hill to climb to beat those expectations that began with their last releases. “Northstar” is out this Friday and yes, it is a single. Click here to pre-save the new single.

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April 24, 2024 2:24 pm

Sad to see them leave facedown, but my sadness will be overcome with joy when they finally put out the new album they have finished.

April 26, 2024 10:27 am

I wonder why they changed labels? Though I do think that Tooth & Nail fits them a little better genre-wise. While they have always had heavier tracks here and there, they aren’t really what I would consider to be a “Facedown” band kind of heavy, as that is mostly a hardcore/metalcore type label. In fact, if I remember correctly, they were originally on Facedown’s softer subsidiary label Dreamt before being solely on Facedown.

Regardless, looking forward to new music, and hopefully Tooth & Nail can get these guys more exposure because they definitely deserve it!

Last edited 3 months ago by thruchristalone777
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