Proven Existence signs to Bearded Dragon

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Black metal band Proven Existence have just issued the following press statement:

The new black metal project Proven Existence has inked a deal with the up and coming label, The Bearded Dragon Productions. Proven Existence released their track, “No Light, No Compassion”, and immediately received feedback. The project’s founder, Nocturnal Servant, has been a prominent supporter in the underground unblack metal scene, citing himself as a fan of Symphony of Heaven, Children of Wrath, Frost Like Ashes, and many more.

“I’ve been friends with the brainchild behind Proven Existence and really hoped he would do something, eventually. And luckily, he decided to. So, obviously, I jumped all over that!” Founder Mason Beard says.

Proven Existence is working on a new track, “Slaughter the Innocent”, set to come out on December 14, 2018, through Bandcamp.

“I’m very thankful for the opportunity that I’ve been given to sign to The Bearded Dragon Productions, and although I’m still very new to all of this I can’t wait to see what we will come up with in the future,” the mysterious and ambiguous Nocturnal Servant stated.

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