Whisper From Heaven on Hiatus

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The Symphonic metal band, Whisper From Heaven, is on hiatus. The band formed in 2005 with couple Vocalist Amulyn and Guitarist/Vocalist Derek Corzine. The band also consists of Bassist Darren Overcash. The Christian metal band has had an impact in the scene with Derek having beenĀ in bands such as Blood Thirsty, Aletheian, Bloodline Severed and others. The band put out a statement on their Facebook page saying:

“2015 was not kind to Whisper from Heaven. Had A LOT of setbacks due to members’ schedules while we were trying to practice up to be able to get onstage… which never happened unfortunately. Our drummer quit, our other guitarist quit, and our vocalist had a couple setbacks with a broken leg at the beginning of the year and most recently her car accident. As of now it is Amulyn, Darren, and myself (Derek). We are shifting our focus to get new music out to you this year.

Here’s looking forward to a productive 2016. God bless you and thank you all for the continued support through the years!”

Since the statement, the band’s page has been very inactive, only giving an update on Amulyn, who had been in a car accident, sharing a link to a review of another band of Amulyn’s, a link to merch, and a prayer request for Overcash, due to his mother passing away.

On a Forum, Derek stated the band is officially on hiatus, but that he and Overcash have a new project in the works.

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June 11, 2017 8:44 pm

WFH is one of the best bands I ever saw, and I consider myself to have very good knowledge on music. Now I am sad abou the future of WFH, hoping sincerily that this beautiful band will come back soon. Ok, money is important, but music also is.

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