Song of the Day: Benjamin Daniel - Good God

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“It’s waking up into a bad dream with a good God.”

Something about this line is irresistibly compelling to me. Maybe it’s the literal nightmares I’ve been having lately. Maybe it’s the chaos of the current election cycle where any and every event is blown out of proportion or warped to dehumanize the “other”. Riots. Cancel culture. Evil branded as good. It is frankly disorienting, scary, dare I say nightmarish.

It is easy to forget God’s goodness in the midst of this. It is easy to overlook that when we need Him most is when we experience the most grace.

From the artist:

“Good God” is a song I wrote while processing the suicide of one of my best friends. I was on my way to a Bible conference in Florida when I found out the news. The level of grief was something I didn’t know existed. Those first few days I spent out of town trying to keep it together by hiding in the stairwells of this massive church in Jacksonville where I was supposed to be sitting in on counseling seminars. The second morning after it happened, I woke up in my hotel room with the thought, “It’s like waking up into a bad dream,” the numbness and despair almost having their way until the ever hopeful Spirit within me promptly corrected, “…with a good God.” Later that day, at the conference that I was hardly attending, I called my close pastor friend up to the dark stairwell where I was hiding, and he showed up, listened to my despair, mourned with me, then gave me the Gospel that I already knew but had never known so clearly before that moment. He also gave me a cup of coffee and a muffin with raisins. I hate raisins, but it was the best muffin I’ve ever had.

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