Tag: Spotify
August 6, 2023
Oh no, we gone done it. Head over to Spotify and check out the EMO DADS PLAYLIST. It’s mostly modern with some classics carefully placed alongside newer songs we want you to hear. Just like the POP PUNK DADS, these are songs your dad would love but that you can also bang your head to. Check out both below or by searching on Spotify. Check out our Spotify profile while you’re at it, just search “Indie Vision Music“.… Continued →
January 10, 2023
Playlist: Christian Music Universe 2022
The Christian Music Universe is back with their second annual playlist. The project was started last year to bring together Christian music lovers from across the universe to create a collaborative playlist of their favorite songs of the year. This year’s team included Brandon Jones and myself as well as eight others. Give the playlist a listen on Spotify and YouTube and share you’re favorite songs of 2022 with us in the comments.
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January 6, 2023
Damien Jurado Pulls His Music from Spotify for Ethical Reasons
Singer-songwriter and indie darling, Damien Jurado, long known for his poignant songs and unique arrangements, has as of this week pulled all of his music from streaming giant Spotify. The announcement came yesterday via his blog.
Jurado didn’t mince words when it came to the reason behind his decision: “I simply cannot continue to support or align myself with a corporation who continues to profit off of the musicians it refuses to pay a fair and decent wage.”
Read the full statement here:
https://damienjurado.com/blog/2023/01/05/leaving-spotify… Continued →
December 17, 2022
Have you heard of Rosemont?
Emotional, ambient, heavy, screamo act out of Detroit, MI. Featuring members of Kept on Hold.
September 5, 2022
Pop Punk Dads
All you kids prepare to cringe like it’s so yesterday. If your Dad likes it, then it’s definitely not cool anymore. Duh! So, give this playlist a listen and either try not to cringe or embrace your inner Dad. Check out Pop Punk Dads now on Spotify. Click here or listen below. We have a variety of new and recent playlists so please take a listen below this message. Thanks to Dave Owens of the band Names Without Numbers for the glorious picture!… Continued →
August 6, 2022
EMOtional Rock Anthems, A Spotify Playlist
I just launched another NEW playlist via Spotify called “EMOtional Rock Anthems”. If you’re feeling particularly emotional and overcome by moodiness, may I suggest this playlist. Full of songs that fill out a decade or two. It’s a growing playlist so stay tuned. I’m trying to keep it mostly pre-2010 because well, you know, emo kinda died for a bit? But its back, YAY! Anyway, enjoy and feel free to spread the word. Playlist below and link right here.
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July 30, 2022
New Feel Good Anthems Spotify Playlist
So Indie Vision Music is on a roll with new Spotify playlists. For those that use Spotify, we are using this as an opportunity to spread the word about new music and artists we think you should be listening to. A mix of indie and larger artists as well as everything in between. All styles represented throughout these various playlists. This new one I just created is called “New Feel Good Anthems” and it is just that. Perfect for those summer drives and introspective quiet moments.… Continued →
July 16, 2022
Best of Psalm 46
This summer my church is doing a sermon series on Psalm 46. It’s something we’ve been doing every summer for the last few years—picking a Psalm and reading through it every week. Naturally as a music lover I enjoy looking to see what artists have made a song based on the Psalm that we’re studying. This year I might have gone a little overboard though. Do you know how many songs titled “Psalm 46” there on Spotify? Yeah, neither do I. As it turns out Spotify’s search function stops at 1,000 songs.… Continued →
May 20, 2022
Spotify Playlists to Get You Going
I’d like to share a couple NEW Spotify Playlists I curated just for our readers and can be found below. They feature a variety of styles and are even separated by decade. There is plenty of 90’s and 00’s represented. I’ll work on some post-2010 stuff next as well as a “Heavy Music” one for everything year 2000 and above (there is plenty to choose from). The “More 00’s Rock Anthems” is a work in progress even through there is more than 300 songs. I have a couple more I forgot about and will be adding today/this weekend.… Continued →
March 1, 2022
New Spotify Playlists to Rock Your Day
I’ve been creating some recent NEW Spotify playlists that a few of you might appreciate. A new one called “Pop Punk 30” which is just that, a top 30 of the moment featuring a bunch of indie pop-punk bands we cover. There is also the “Indie Vision Music Official 2022 Playlist” that has a fair mix of brand new songs and classic hits from some IVM friends, “New Song Hits“, and “Pop Punk Essential Playlist“. On top of those, make sure to follow our profile here to take a listen to the weekly playlists that Noah Hardwick takes care of for IVM.… Continued →
September 11, 2021
New Indie Vision Music Spotify Playlists
Myself and Noah have been hard at work on creating a variety of Spotify Playlists featuring many bands covered by Indie Vision Music as well as other artists you might recognize. Check out the “Pop Punk Essential Playlist” I created a few weeks ago as well as the “New Song Hits” Playlist I just morphed from the prior “Song Blast” one. Each has new and recent songs from a collection of artists. A little disclaimer: The Pop Punk Essential Playlist is not one that features Christian music only artists.… Continued →
July 4, 2021
Playlist: 21 for 21 in 21
I decided to celebrate Indie Vision Music’s 21st anniversary with a new playlist. I picked 21 new songs from 21 of my favorite female solo artists to create the playlist. You’ll find a variety styles here, from well-known artists like Madison Cunningham and Lacey Sturm to lesser-known artists like Tenielle Neda and Abby Holliday—because you know that’s just how we do it here at IVM.
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March 2, 2021
Indie Vision Music x Song Blast Playlist March 2021
Continuing our “Song Blast Playlist” series into March 2021, I just made public the new playlist for this month. This will now be a monthly playlist series and will be updated throughout the month with NEW songs as they become available. Check out new, recent, and a few classics squeezed in there. This playlist WILL be updated during the month. Check it out here on our Spotify Profile. You can also find it below this message. I took all 100 songs from the 4 playlists last month and put it in a February 2021 playlist, check it out here.… Continued →
February 15, 2021
Indie Vision Music x Song Blast Playlist - Number 3 & Number 4
We are hosting a Spotify playlist series and this week I am combining #3 (Click Here) and #4 (Click Here). The overall goal of these is to increase exposure for some great independent talent and hopefully, get some hefty plays. I think with enough attention we can increase plays while also drawing attention to great independent talent who have something positive to say. These plays will not only help independent bands who own their music but also independent labels who rely on streams and purchases across digital networks (yes, including Indie Vision Music).… Continued →
February 8, 2021
Indie Vision Music x Playlist Blast Week 2
I got this idea from the whole Gamestop / AMC Theaters / Silver concept being run through Wall Street by savvy investors and reddit users. In this case we are hosting a Spotify playlist to increase exposure for some great independent talent. The goal is to get these songs to 100,000 plays. It’s a hefty goal but I think with enough attention we can get it done. These plays will not only help independent bands who own their music but also independent labels who rely on streams and purchases across digital networks (yes, including Indie Vision Music).… Continued →
February 1, 2021
Indie Vision Music x Spotify Blast To Support Independent Bands and Labels
I am stealing this idea from the whole Gamestop / AMC Theaters / Silver concept being run through Wall Street by savvy investors and reddit users. In this case we have created a special Spotify Playlist to increase exposure for some great independent talent. The goal is to get these songs to 100,000 plays to support great bands. It’s a hefty goal but I think with enough attention we can get it done. These plays will not only help independent bands who own their music but also independent labels who rely on streams and purchases across digital networks (yes, including Indie Vision Music).… Continued →
December 28, 2020
Best of 2020: Marco L.
"O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation." -Psalm 95:1
October 3, 2020
55 New Songs from September 2020 You Should Listen To
While I haven’t been posting about it the past few months like I was earlier in the year, I’ve been continuing to update the New Release Sampler playlist on Spotify every month with new songs. I felt like taking some notes while I was putting the finishing touches on it today though and thought I’d share them readers. So here are the 55 new songs I picked out from September 2020 that I think that you should hear.
1. ’68 – Bad Bad Lambo
Love is Ain’t Dead has been one of my most listened to new releases this month.… Continued →
July 6, 2020
Return of the Not-So-Weekly New Release Sampler
I’ve been creating new playlists every month this year that feature my favorite newly released songs. It turns out though it’s difficult to build a following when you’re constantly creating new playlists. So I’ve decided it’s time to resurrect the Weekly New Release Sampler that’s been stagnating for nearly a year now. Except it probably won’t be weekly anymore. Instead I intend to continue what I’ve already been doing this year by updating the playlist once a month with the best new releases. So follow along and discover some of the great new music!… Continued →
June 7, 2020
Playlist: May 2020
Did you hear anything good last month? I know I found a few new things to enjoy. I thought I’d try something new this time and include a few of the albums and EPs I listened to this month in addition to my Spotify playlist. Check it out and let me know what you were listening to during the month of May!
- Anchor & Braille – TENSION
- Brave Days – Work in Progress
- CCV Music – Moments 001
- Frankie Orella – Stages of Grief (EP)
- Off Road Minivan – Swan Dive
- Oh Jeremiah – Joymonger
February 25, 2020
Portuguese Christian Punk and Hardcore on Spotify
Hey Everyone! I pray all is well! I wanted to inform everyone of a new Spotify playlist I put together. I've been listening to a lot of foreign Christian artists lately. Portuguese is the second most foreign language of artists in my collection, so I thought people need to hear and know about this.
December 10, 2019
A 2019 Christmas Playlist
With just over two weeks left before Christmas now seems like the perfect time to share the Christmas playlist I’ve been working on with you. Since the beginning October I’ve been compiling all the new Christmas releases this year. Currently my count sits at 631 new Christmas songs this year. That’s a lot of new Christmas music! And while you could listen to all 20 new versions of “Joy to the World” if you wanted to, you might find my highly curated 2019 Christmas playlist a little less daunting.… Continued →
March 3, 2019
Indie Vision Music Spotify Playlists
I would like to welcome you all to check out and follow our 2 latest Spotify Playlists. We now have 3 official playlists on Spotify including the “Weekly New Release Sampler” that Noah puts together each week. Check out the new “Christian Emo and Indie Rock” playlist and “Christian Pop Punk and Punk Rock” playlist below. Any song suggestions for any of these playlists please leave in the comments section.… Continued →
November 1, 2018
Indie Vision Music Creates "Christian Pop Punk and Punk Rock Playlist" on Spotify
I decided it was time, time for some positive uplifting Christian Pop-Punk and Punk Rock Playlist curated by your friends at Indie Vision Music. This playlist is growing but the majority of it is complete. Check it out below and feel free to offer some suggests for bands/artists that didn’t make it on yet. Post your artist/song title below in comments. Thanks to Andrew Pickett for the cool 90’s inspired graphic. Let’s blow this thing up and gather a massive amount of followers.… Continued →
June 18, 2018
7 Bands I've Discovered on Spotify This Year
Spotify has become my go-to source for discovering new music. Between the personalized playlists, large community, and services that connect with it, Spotify is a great tool for finding your next favorite band regardless of how you listen to music. Here’s a few of my recent discoveries I’ve made on Spotify.
I just discovered CLOUDLAND last week on Spotify’s New Music Friday playlist Christian. The alt-rock band hails from Fayetteville, GA and consists of Drake Bunton, Hogan Heim, Zach King, and Karmen Smith.… Continued →
June 11, 2018
IVM Spotify Weekly New Release Playlist
I just wanted to send out a quick note about the awesome Weekly New Release Playlist we have under the Indie Vision Music account on Spotify. Noah Hardwick has been cool enough to create these really cool playlists and maintain them. You can find this weekly updated playlist as well as all our other ones right here. Please follow Indie Vision Music on Spotify and help us spread out reach. If you are looking for new music and want to discover the latest talent, you’ll find it here.… Continued →
April 23, 2018
IVM Staff Picks Playlist on Spotify
Are you one of those people who when asked what kind of music you like always respond, “all of it.” Well lucky for you we have a pretty eclectic staff here at IVM and we’ve put together a staff picks playlist just for you. Two playlists actually. One playlist has new music perfect for finding your next favorite band. The other playlist is full of classics so you can find that band you missed out on all those years ago. We hope you’ll enjoy listening to these playlist as much as we enjoyed making them.… Continued →
April 3, 2018
5 Must-Follow Spotify Playlists
Everyone is talking about Spotify today because of their initial public offering. So I thought I’d take a minute to share a few of my favorite Spotify playlists with you.
1) New Music Friday Christian by Spotify
New Music Friday Christian is just one of Spotify’s many, many, curated playlists. What’s great about this playlist though is every Friday Spotify completely updates it with freshly released new songs. Sometimes that’s a good thing–I mean who doesn’t want to be the first to discover the next big hit?… Continued →
February 11, 2018
IVM on Spotify
Thanks to IVM writer Noah Hardwick, we now have a IVM Account on Spotify. Check it out right here and feel free to follow. More to come in the months ahead. A “Punk Never Dies” playlist can be found below with a collection of current and past material. Enjoy!… Continued →
April 3, 2017
The Business of Streaming and the After Effects of a Digital Marketplace
A really great article on the current explosion of the digital streaming marketplace and it’s subsequent takeover of standard music purchases can be read here (Billboard Article). It is interesting how much things have changed in the past decade and half. I remember the times of the pirates like Napster, Morpheus, Kazaa, etc. and how they threatened to undermine popular music. Then digital stores started popping up like iTunes, Rhapsody, eMusic, Amazon, Google Play, and many more. With each new incarnation of digital distribution there have been the critics who have tried to signal “the end is near” for popular music and yet time and time again they’ve been proven wrong.… Continued →