Tag: new mexico

January 3, 2025

Song of the Day: The Echoing Green - Defend Your Joy

This synth-pop powerhouse hailed from New Mexico, and was spearheaded by Joey Belville. They debuted in 1994 with a light, upbeat, joyful and relatively simplistic take on synth-pop with the aptly-titled Defend Your Joy. Produced by Ronnie Martin (Joy Electric, etc.), the album oozed of positivity and an almost naive optimism. And yet, it never came off as cheesy, disingenuous, or otherwise off-putting. In fact, I think the title track is a great song to kick off a new year with. I don’t know what your 2024 was like–joyful, sorrowful, challenging, rewarding, or something else–but a focus on the joy of the Lord is always appropriate.… Continued →

October 28, 2024

Song of the Day: The Moshketeers - Grease the Duck

This Christian thrash band stemmed from a heavy metal band called Rapture which is a different Rapture band than the hxc band. Anyways, this song references several passages in the Bible, but focuses on bewaring of false teachers & studying the Bible for oneself instead of just listening to sermons. The vocals also sound like Doug Van Pelt’s Lust Control to me. The Downward Spiral was remastered by Roxx in 2010 & featured Rapture tracks as well.
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July 30, 2022

March 12, 2022

February 27, 2021

Song of the Day: The Echoing Green - Suffer

This review is in response to a Facebook post I had made a month or so ago on a review I had done on here. The gentleman I had spoke with & I have a lot in common, including our passion for Christian EDM.  Joey Belville & company IMHO brought the fledgling Christian electronic/synthpop rock genre to fruition. Several other artists involved in the genre ie Painted Orange, Code of Ethics, Sheltershed, LZ7, Capital Kings & World Wide Message Tribe, etc… I remember owning Scott Blackwell’s Myx Records release Defend Your Joy back in the mid 90s & I was ecstatic.… Continued →