This is no joke. A personal fave of mine, a band we call Switchfoot is joining up with world renown Canadian rock band Nickelback and California based grunge-alt-rock band, Stone Temple Pilots (STP) for a run of dates this summer/fall. This might just an epic rock extravaganza or How You Remind Me of a cringe worthy PHOTOGRAPH? Either way, there is a little something for everyone and a true rock n’ roll fan to enjoy. I’ve heard the new vocalist of STP is one of the best. Tickets go on sale tomorrow with your choice of VIP packages or just general. Kudos to Switchfoot for continuing to make great music year after year for more than 2 decades now and hopping on a tour of this magnitude.

Switchfoot Joins Nickelback and Stone Temple Pilots on Tour This Summer
By Brandon J. in News | 1 Comment
Barf. I wil pass. I was hopin this was a joke.