I have decided to have Dismissed “Taking the Good With the Bad” and Josiah “Verona” remastered by Seth at Simpul Studio. This Dismissed version will be a new remastered version of the original master. I will swap out the old “remastered” version on bandcamp and get this new version up on all digital networks in January. Josiah “Verona” will sound better and have vocals brought more out front. I’m excited to share these with you soon. For now, these are the only recordings getting the remastered treatment. Look for “Hearts Bleed Passion Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Josiah “Verona”, Dismissed “Taking the Good With the Bad” (Remastered), and Quick and the Dead on all digital networks beginning in January.

Remastered Versions of Dismissed and Josiah Coming Soon
By Brandon J. in News | 6 Comments
Looking forward to listening to Dismissed. Love that album!
I am really excited to hear a remastered version of Josiah. That album is amazing musically, but the recording was always a bit lacking. I can not wait for this!
Yeah I agree. The vocals were to muddied in the mix and hidden by the music. I’ve listened to an early master of “This Is The New War” and it sounds great. I wasn’t happy with the 2nd master of Dismissed and can’t believe that I re-released it back then at all. I should have just changed the artwork and re-released it to distributors. I was dumb for remastering it in the first place back in 2003.
You said you were not going to change the album art for these releases. Is there going to be any way to differentiate the original releases to these?
Should I get new album covers created? I was thinking of working with former Josiah vocalist who is a graphic designer now and works for Capitol CMG, on a new Josiah cover. Maybe Dismissed too? There wouldn’t be any album art for the re-releases, just new album covers.
If its in the budget that would be awesome to get new album covers. Either way I am just excited to hear both these albums again for the first time.