Tag: hxc

July 14, 2024

Dispraised - Off My Back (New Single)

For those of you in a hardcore punk mood, check out the brand new single from the aggressive, gritty, and heavy sounding punk rock group known as Dispraised. The song is titled “Off My Back” and to learn more about the song and thoughts behind it, click over on the bandcamp link below.… Continued →

Officer Negative Reunite and Working on New Album

Here we are in 2024 in the midst of festival season and reunions that just didn’t seem so likely years ago. Well, fortunately for us one of those bands by the name of Officer Negative, have reunited. Not only are they working on a new album but will also be playing live shows very soon. To see the new lineup (with some familiar faces), click below or visit their page on instagram: officernegative.official. So what are your favorite Officer Negative songs? If you want to buy merch from them, click this link here.… Continued →

March 18, 2024

February 4, 2023

Song of the Day: The Forerunner - Constant Battle

Love this song. So heavy & so meaningful. The band goes by just Forerunner now & I play them on my Ripper Radio show. Check out these lyrics. Why do I always give in, turn to the things that torment my soul, when will I finally submit, and give You all I am, Lord break me and rip these chains that always hold me down, tears from my eyes as I can’t resist, I am once again, once again, being taken away in the wrong direction, Lord take me away from this bondage, from this bondage, I don’t want to be a slave to this world, I want to run away from the pain but I can’t, I do not need you, I do not need you any more, I need to stand my ground, and look you in the face, I need to stand my ground, and put you in your place, I need to stand my ground, my King is here, and look you in the face, He lives in me, I need to stand my ground, whom shall I fear, and put you in your place, my King is here as I point to my chest, He is alive in me, no more will I succumb to darkness I am set free, my chains are broken, I am set free, because my Savior went to the cross and died for me [x2], I am released from this bondage, and the enemy tried to bury me, but I won’t, I won’t, back down, and I will look him in the face, no, you weren’t from the bottom, you were sent from Hell, you sent to bring me down [x2] and now I send you back to hell.… Continued →

August 25, 2021

Song of the Day: Officer Negative - JCHC

Officer Negative is hxc punk at its finest imho. The Californian band even recently re-released some stuff last year from my recollection& I was able to buy a JCHC t-shirt! I am still stoked lol!. Anyways JCHC stands for Jesus Christ Hardcore & is an in your face about such. After the band disbanded, they formed a couple of other bands including hxc Hit the Deck metalcore The Death Campaign Project & cowpunk Zippy Josh. Below are its lyrics as well as a live video: Living for Christ is what we do That’s the definition of our hardcore We don’t need drugs or booz Christian punks we won’t loose Jesus Christ Hardcore Kick satan in the face With our steel toe boots We are in the army of God With salvation as our roots We all stand together Unified by Jesus Christ Defeating Satan spew With the word of Jesus Christ Sick and tired of worldly views Sick and tired of satans abuse Sick and tired of compromise Sick and tired of all his lies     Continued →

August 23, 2012

December 8, 2010

November 17, 2010