Lovers of traditional, old school death metal will know there is a significant lack of it coming from bands with a Christian worldview. The reasons for this are complex, and we won’t get into them here, except to say that it probably has something to do with the lyrical themes that often accompany their secular counterparts: death, gore, and the occult all being regular topics. Minnesota’s Crimson Thorn have often led the way in Christ-centered brutal death metal. Building on work from predecessors like Australia’s Mortification, CT got even heavier and unlike the boys from down under, Crimson Thorn didn’t dabble in other styles. In fact, by the time Purification dropped (their third album), they had become the standard bearers in Christian death metal. Here’s the catchy and brutally heavy track, “Thy Neighbor” from Purification. Enjoy it loudly!

Song of the Day: Crimson Thorn - Thy Neighbor
By Loyd Harp in News, Song of The Day | 4 Comments
I would love to see this get remixed/mastered and rereleased. Old school death is sorely lacking representation in the christian market.
There’s a Brazilian re-issue with bonus tracks, but I don’t know if was remastered. Agreed on your last sentence. Lots of newer melodeath and hybrid bands (black/death, deathcore, etc.) but not much traditional DM.
Also, duz anybody know if ct is oficaly dun? I gues 1 of da guys is in takin da hed of goliath now.
Didn’t they play on that recent tour with TTHOG, Crushing the Deceiver, etc.?