Fielding the project of Eric Balmer (Ex-Plankeye) and his wife, Beth, has just released a brand new full length titled “Rags of Light”. The album is full of rich instrumentation, experimentation, and Eric’s soothing, uplifting voice. Songs range from the Introspective and spiritual to the honest words of someone seeking meaning in this world. Full of soaring choruses and subtle words all put to the alluring sounds of Fielding’s music. This is a perfect continuation of the past Fielding material but turned up a notch. Songs would be instant radio hits if radio cared about independent music and artists with a voice that goes beyond the norm. If you enjoyed past Fielding material, Plankeye’s “Relocation” album, Pedro the Lion, Snow Patrol, Starflyer 59, and even dare I say, Coldplay, then you’ll love this. Check out the songs via Spotify below.
I really dug Strange Exchange (Plankeye’s final album, and a showcase for Balmer) and think it’s one of the most underrated Christian rock albums of all time. I liked some of the standouts (especially “The Giant”) on Fielding’s debut, but it was a little spare for my tastes. Glad to hear they kicked this up a notch. I will most definitely be checking this out.