Thumper Punk Records is honored to announce the release of “The Flame Still Burns” from Sao Paulo, Brazil based punk band – Living Fire. Heavy NYHC and metal influences flavor the band’s traditional punk sound, and allow the musicians to display their advanced skills. Through eight songs of passion and glory, Living Fire shines the light of Faith and Hope on the world’s darkest corners. “The Flame Still Burns” is available for streaming and immediate download at bandcamp here. Living Fire features Luis Carlos (Vocals), Raphael Alcantara (Bass), Michel Oliveira (Drums), and Murillo Xavier (Guitar). Check out the album via bandcamp embed, below. Editor’s note: This is a really solid piece of punk rock with slight thrash/metal influence, not to mention New York Hardcore elements. This Brazil based band is sure make waves right here in the states with the release of this album. Don’t believe me? Well give “The Flame Still Burns” an honest listen and then direct your new found punk rock enthusiasm directly in the direction of Living Fire. These guys deserve all the praise and adoration that a band at the top of their game should receive. Go buy, stream, shout from the roof tops….done.

Living Fire Release "The Flame Still Burns" New Punk Masterpiece
By Brandon J. in News | 1 Comment
Nice. Also, mor bandcamp embeds, less spotify, lol.