Song of the Day: Seth Davey - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

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“Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”

Such powerful lyrics! Turn your eyes upon Jesus is such a great classic hymn! Pretty much any artist that were to perform this song, I feel would do great because it is just such a good song!

I chose Seth Davey’s version just because the man is so good at what he does! He was wonderful in Attalus and his solo album was just brilliant!

While I couldn’t find a YouTube video for his version, I am using Seth’s bandcamp link so that you may not only enjoy this song, but possibly consider contributing to Seth by purchasing the song if not the whole album.

Enjoy Seth’s version of this classic hymn, meditate on the lyrics, keep praying, be safe, and may Christ bless you!

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