My Epic Continue to Forge New Paths and Make Fans of the Masses with New Song "Heavy Heart"

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I have nothing but absolute good things to say about My Epic and the beauty of the music they create. This new song really hits me deep in the chest and is a beautiful testament to not only talent, singing, songwriting, and all that but also to the power of words and swaying of notes. This new song “Heavy Heart” by My Epic is quite possibly the best thing the band has ever done up until this point which is an enormous mouthful to proclaim considering expectations were always high to overcome the heights of past accomplishments. Check out this new song, below and get ready to welcome My Epic back into your ears (and homes).

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June 18, 2024 6:01 am

Not sure I’d say that “Heavy Heart” is better than the likes of songs like “Hail”, “Lower Still”, “Open Letter”, “Memoir”, or frankly many other of their songs… It’s ok, but other than “Northstar”, their sound on the new record seems rather subdued and I’m a bit disappointed.

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