We have entered the 25th year of this website, Indie Vision Music and I am celebrating by launching a killer new merch collaboration through MerchYeah.com/indievisionmusic. We will have all our old classic designs on AnchorMerchandising if you want to check those out as well. What originally began during the dot com bubble (and subsequent crash) as a simple independently minded, underground Christian music webstore in the year 2000 has morphed into the magnificent creature it is today (heavy on the winky face). I started this site out of my love for music, my faith, and being the promoter I was (I began booking my first shows at 17 in 1996), I wanted to get involved and do something different, unique. There has been quite a bit of changes over the years from a major overhaul of the “store” to a short-lived record label in 2003-2004, then a launch of the webzine in 2005 that I largely still operate as today. I was 22 when I started IVM and now I’m almost 47 which just blows my mind. Sure, there were some definite hiccups along the way, various logo changes, an ending of it all in 2015, relaunch in late 2016 (Make Indie Vision Music Great Again!), another short-lived record label flirtation for a couple years that led me to discover some of my favorite bands ever, and finally here we are after 25 years! While IVM never quite cashed in with all the other dot com brands and hit it big (wouldn’t want that) I am just thankful that I am where I am today and that I have this hobby to share loves and likes in the realm of music. For a website to endure 25 years and not completely disappear or be absorbed into another conglomerate (yeah, I’m looking at your Myspace), or worse, implode like so many in the Dotcom bubble did (Yeah, your Super Bowl ads were super creative and the humor got a few laughs but now you’re gone, bye bye). I’m thankful for this community and every single person that has helped spread the word, written for us, bought a CD, Vinyl, Tape, Shirt, etc. from us in the past, and who continues to read what we put out there. I know websites aren’t what they once were but it’s nice to have a little part of the dotcom world left just for us. Our own little niche. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Now let’s spend the rest of 2025 celebrating great independent faith based (Christian) music and Indie Vision Music! -Brandon J.//Owner/Founder

IVM Year 25 Starts Now
By Brandon J. in News | 6 Comments
Sitting at work on my lunch break and wearing my IVM hoodie as I type this. Figured I’d share a couple of memories. I’m grateful to Brandon and all the blog writers on here for the great content. Brandon, I believe it was you who described My Epic’s music as “thinning the heavens” or something to that effect which I felt aptly described the atmosphere of worship every time I listen to it. Also remember a post on here about worship songs by non-worship bands. That was how I found out about “At the Moment” by Stavesacre and “Matthias Replaces… Read more »
Thank you so much for sharing some memories and for still coming on here after all this time. I’m deeply grateful and appreciative of your support.
Congratulations, bro! You guys are providing a valuable public service. Let’s keep it going!
Happy Anniversary IVM! And special thanks to Brandon for inviting me to be a part of it!
Congratulations and thank you Brandon!
Most of my best loved music has come from IVM!
Glad you’re still hitting it hard! Been with you all the way, and will continue to do so! Thankful for all the hard work!