Introducing: World Gone Cold (Feat. Members of P.O.D, Disciple, Demon Hunter, Attack Attack, and The Letter Black)

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I’d like to take a moment and introduce you all to a brand new “supergroup” of sorts. This band features Ryland Raus of Attack! Attack! / Inhale Exhale, Traa Daniels of P.O.D., Andrew Stanton of Disciple, Yogi Watts of Demon Hunter, and Mark Anthony of The Letter Black. The band is called WORLD GONE COLD, and they have just signed with Rockfest Records who will be responsible for releasing their upcoming album. No song released just yet but it is coming VERY soon. Who is psyched for this new band and their upcoming songs? Check out a teaser below.

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November 11, 2022 10:09 am

Wow that’s quite the lineup of musicians, really excited to see what they do!

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