I’d like to take a moment and introduce the band The Swifts to all of you. This pop-punk band of Colorado natives have been making a splash in recent months and it was time to give them a post. Thanks to former IVM writer and friend Brian Mercer this band was shared with me. Their peppy sound is like punchy and well layered pop-punk dream come true. All the elements of your favorites bands from yesteryear mixed with a a current and edgy sound meant to hit you with a sense of urgency. Imagine the combining forces of old Green Day meeting up with Blink 182, American Hi Fi, The Ataris, old Hawk Nelson, Good Charlotte, while meeting As It Is, ROAM, State Champs, and New Found Glory in some sort of back alley antics. Yeah, that pretty much explains it. Go listen to their new album “All Sunshine” on all digital networks. You can listen via Spotify and YouTube below. [Facebook]

Introducing: The Swifts
By Brandon J. in News | 3 Comments
I dig it.
This isn’t the Flicker Records band The Swift is it?
No, this is a newer band from Colorado