Some music videos deserve to be shared, even if they’re only 144p. “Falling Further” by Spoken tells a story of prodigality, placing emphasis on feelings of regret and the rejection of God’s love. While the band has a lot of great songs, I always thought the chorus for “Falling Further” was particularly strong in its emotional communication.

Song of the Day: Spoken - Falling Further
By Graham Wall in Video Flashback | 5 Comments
Couldn’t agree more! This was the song that made me a Spoken fan. Still love it to this day. Has a quiet intensity to it and of course the amazing chorus.
Nice! To this day, the only Spoken album that I enjoy from start to finish. Felt like they played to all their strengths. “Falling Further” is definitely a standout.
Was looking for your review for this lol! Looks like it’s not an orthodox Nicsperiment CD to review … I keep trying to think of the right word to use in this sentence, but it’s lost on me 😀
Orthodox was orthodox! It’s technically in my wife’s collection! She’s got from Echoes of the Spirit Still Dwell to (I think) Illusion. Man, if I started reviewing her stuff, too, I’d never finish!