Demon Hunter has been prepping for this new album, Outlive for awhile, and they are on the verge of releasing it. So close, that they released a lyric video for “Cold Winter Sun”. Very melodic. Outlive 2017.
By Mason Beard in Lyric Videos | 4 Comments
Demon Hunter has been prepping for this new album, Outlive for awhile, and they are on the verge of releasing it. So close, that they released a lyric video for “Cold Winter Sun”. Very melodic. Outlive 2017.
Unfortunately I was fairly underwhelmed by this song. Sounds like too many other songs done by DH over the last three albums. The guitar work is good, but I don’t find anything else here very exciting.
It’s good. The chorus feels a little underwhelming for me but I love the driving, rhythmic delivery in the verses. Demon Hunter songs almost always grow on me big time, so I might come around on the chorus too haha.
Agreed, it’s not exactly an exciting song, it’s just Demon Hunter. It’s got a natural feel of progression from Extremist, though. Which song does it remind me from that album…I think Artificial Light?
Smacky, 1st comment I’ve yours that I’ve seen on IVM so welcome back bro!