Shiloh is my absolutely fave dance/DJ band of all time. Forming under Shilotrance probably in the late 90’s, the Canadian Moreh brothers have an extensive catalog which a good chunk of it can be found on Beatport’s website. Their music can mostly be found as MP3 singles/vinyl, but they ended up releasing 2 physical LPs: Bleed & Elements which are very worth checking out if you are into this musical genre. I have had the privilege of conversing with Justin over the years through social media & he sent me Shilohtrance’s whole back extremely rare back catalog which had been released on the old days. Their actual genre realms in mostly progressive house, but originated obviously in trance. They mostly delve in originals, but are very well known for their remixes as well. The SOTD is one of those as they have collaborated with Luke Chable several times. Out of the close to 150 songs I have from them, this is the one that has stuck as my fave over the years. It’s a great driving song & surpasses all others (but not by much) in my humble opinion. You can check out them & other EDM/Urban Christian music on my 24/7 station from 4-7pm CST. Here’s to hoping the brothers release more music in time. Time to chill

Song of the Day: Luke Chable- Melburn (Shiloh Remix)
By Timo Cuoco in Articles | No Comments
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