Here’s another obscure band for ya! Broken released one LP on Mercy Street Records which had a small yet diverse array of artists: Real (Nu metal), Popcorn (rap), one of Seventh Day Slumber’s early releases & Salt (Southern rock). Broken has a hard hitting heavy rapcore/nu-metal sound. They released 3 songs to indie Christian rock/loud radio: Beautiful, Stand & Cage. My fave was the 1st track which had lyrics like “beautiful the blood shed for me”. It’s no disguise that this is a full on “Christian” band. The song itself starts off with some dj scratching & then crescendos into rapped vocals w/ a lilttle of the nu-metal screaming towards the end.

Song of the Day: Broken - Beautiful
By Timo Cuoco in Articles | 2 Comments
Intrestin. As a “rapcor” fan, i had neva herd of “real” or “broken” b4. Wer can i find da albums?
I bought them off Amazon I think. I have a lot of the last albums available unfortunately which is a big reason why I do these SOTDs