Tag: david gungor

November 4, 2016

March 11, 2015

REVIEW : The Brilliance - Brother

I like vanilla ice cream. I really do. It's simple, sweet, and to the point. No quirks, nuts, or slime to get in the way of what really matters. On the other hand, vanilla ice cream can get old really fast. Who would want to eat the same-ol same-ol "normal" vanilla ice cream 24/7? Nobody, that's who. CCM worship music is exactly like ice cream (in fact, I sometimes confuse them and put sonicflood albums in my freezer). Vanilla ice cream/CCM is great for pleasing large amounts of people in gatherings such as churches or ice cream socials (or ice cream socials at church). However, in my own time, I like to have a little bit of cookie dough in my ice cream to chew on. David Gungor and John Arndt are my cookie dough ice cream.