Tag: Christian power metal

May 27, 2024

August 10, 2022

Song of the Day: Theocracy - Hide in the Fairytale

TBH I never did get into power metal-until I heard Theocracy. They are that good. My Bro Ben (whom is starting our much long overdue metalcore band without me of course as I no longer live in Columbia SC. saw them maybe a year ago called me up & I had a conversation with their drummer. Anyways this song hits you like a ton of bricks as is a take on Romans 7:15-20. A child in sweet duplicity For innocence? Or slavery to nature And the bents that haunt him straight out of the womb?… Continued →

May 1, 2021

Song of the Day: Balance Of Power - Shelter Me

British progressive power metal band Balance of Power is what I would consider a unappreciated gem in the genre. Forming in circa 1995, they have release 5 full lengths & one comp. Vocalist Lance King eventually joined in 1997 & left in 2003 & I would think he is the most well known member as he was in Pyramaze, Avian, Defyance, Ilium & Shining Star, all of whom I have heard over the years. Today’s SOTD hails from the Perfect Balance LP which does not have an appropriate cover so I chose the one we here.… Continued →

January 20, 2021

Song of the Day: Veni Domine -Eli Lema Sabachtani

I admit, in spite of my wide voray into the annals of endless genres of Christian music, I did not familiarize myself with the progressive, doom or power metal genres until recently. Yes, I liked some songs from what I would later come to realize as these styles such as Fourth Estate’s instrumental Poet’s Lament & Paramecium’s I’m Not To Blame. I have since grown fond of greats such as Theocracy (my personal fave), Narnia, ReinXeed (who do fantastic covers), Golden Resurrection, etc… Sweden’s Veni Domine (Latin for Hear My Prayer, O Lord) plays a mix of the aforementioned genres & there is no denying lead vocalist Fredrik Sjöholm can sing.… Continued →

February 10, 2017

Symphony of Heaven releases "Stratagem"

You most likely have never heard of Symphony of Heaven as it is a brand new band. Logan Thompson is the one-man band that is Symphony in Heaven. He has an instrumental called “Anno Domini” that is great. SOH released a song titled “Stratagem” that is primarily power metal styled up until the vocals come in. Pure death metal gutturals. It’s like Lightforce (pre-Mortification) and Mortification put together. The song is incredible. Go check it out here! Continued →