Album Review :
Writer - Don't Wake the Sun 7"

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Artist: Writer
Album: Don’t Wake the Sun 7”
Label: None (released independently)
Release Date: February 27, 2008
Review by: Eric Pettersson

Side A: Don’t Wake the Sun
Side B: I Think She Died

My attention was caught immediately. “Mixed and mastered by Jason Martin.” Hey, that’s the dude from Starflyer 59! Awesome. And the release itself is actually worthy of bearing such a name on its packaging. This well-polished indie band released a full length last year, and this 7” is the follow-up of sorts. Now, I feel a little lame reviewing a CD version when the 7” in its intended form would obviously sound a lot better, but this is what I have been given, and for that I am grateful. The title track is an upbeat and danceable indie rock song with a catchy bass line and a foot-stomping drum beat. The other side is a re-recording of a song off their previous release, Cover Your Tracks, that includes guest lead vocals from Kelli Noftle of the band Miniature Soap. This track is slower and more piano-based, and it comes out beautifully, especially with the way this recording of the singing and piano sounds. I understand that the point of this release was to put out some quality music, and this purpose was most certainly achieved, but an underlying secondary point of trying to promote interest in Writer is definitely also accomplished through just these two songs. In fact, I’m going to go listen to the rest of the songs on their MySpace right now.


Official Site

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