Eternal Decision had gotten some flack about sounding too much like early Metallica (a la ED’s song Hunger) just like another metal band, Jesus Freaks. I don’t mind because a lot of music sounds like so & so. This song, pulled from their 1997 Godfather Records S/T, in particular was destined to be a fave of mine because of the Scooby Doo intro! I’ve even had some Facebook conversations with vocalist Joe Chambless & drummer Bill Meeks some years ago. Some other bands the members were in worth checking out are Awake which does 2 greats More Like You & Carry Me along with a more laid band rock band Veehr that has the catchy Everyone. Love the lyrics “Jesus took my place on the cross”.

Song of the Day: Eternal Decision - Overflow
By Timo Cuoco in News | 1 Comment
Anotha great band that ended 2 soon. I hope we get a reunion, or at least bring bak “Godfatha rec” wit “gears of redem”.