Former Ruins Releases Yet Another Pair of Singles

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Former Ruins has returned with another pair of singles off his forthcoming sophomore LP, and these tracks to continue to highlight just what makes this project so captivating. As usual, there’s a lot to unpack lyrically and musically – and as a supporter, I’ve been able to hear these songs shift and take form over months and months to become what they are now (which is an odd sort of gift in itself).

“Sign” is a bit of bi-partisan bashing, a wrestling with the ways our political allegiances conflict with the call of the Gospel. We must be caught in contradiction and recognize our disparities in order to receive grace. My favorite line here is “There’s no bloodless membership / It’s just a question of whose blood it is” (which encapsulates my thoughts on a whole host of things).

“False Infinities” is easily one of my favorite Former Ruins songs and helps cement the Former Ruins discography as one of the most culturally-aware and full of anti-deconstruction anthems. Throughout the track’s runtime, lyrics tackle universalist ex-pastors, “vaguely spiritual things you can say to strangers”, and a host of empty-but-pretty-sounding philosophies that have become the standard for many people to thoughtlessly claim today. It’s also incredible musically as well.

Both tracks are available now and can be found below and on all streaming services. No Creature Is Hidden is due in early 2023.

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