Here is a rare band that came out on this comp. They seemed to have done some stuff under Boot To Head records also before disbanding, but didn’t seem to find the Christian niche market that other bands on the comp did. Took me circa 25 years to track this one down so enjoy! And my son Tyler will be flying down to see me in a few hours EST!

Song of the Day: Secular End - Junkie
By Timo Cuoco in Song of The Day | 2 Comments
Oh wow, seeing this compilation brings back memories. I grew up in the mid-atlantic area and bought this compilation at Purpledoor Music Festival in Lancaster, PA when it was released. I’ve listened to it for many years and always wondered why many of these bands didn’t get more attention and fame.
It’s a great compilation with a lot of lesser known artists on it, some of them I can’t even find any information on the internet.
Cool beans. Were you able to get a hold of the Ed comp also? I have been looking for it for ages