Arms for Elephants-The Laws That Guide My Feet

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If you downloaded our most recent comp, “Hearts Bleed Passion, Vol. 6″, you may have heard this song. Definitely one of my favorites on it. Here’s a brief explanation of what it’s about from the band’s vocalist, Matt Evans:

” “The Laws That Guide My Feet” is kind of an anthem for people who feel lost and out of place. However, lyrically, it’s also a lot more than that. It transitions between various perspectives to illustrate a bigger picture. For example, most of the screaming vocals are from the perspective of satan…and most of the clean vocals are from the perspective of someone who is hearing both satan’s and God’s voice and doesn’t feel like they fit into either narrative. Eventually the “main character” of the song decides to give it all up and trust God’s voice.”

Make sure you guys hit these guys up on the links under the video below.

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