Album Review :
The Chariot - Unsung EP

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Band: The Chariot
Album: Unsung EP
Label: Solid State Recrds
Reviewer: Cory

My days listening to this sort of noisy metalcore have long since past, and it was hard getting into this cd. The off timed guitars and seemingly nonesensical lyrics were hard to pass. And then I thought about Norma Jean’s “Bless The Martyr, Kiss The Child” and I got this warm fuzzy feeling inside of me.

The music is very well written and complex and definitely throws variety around. I heard a banjo in one song as well as a piano in another as well as some pretty sweet guitar lines. This EP definitely has a mosh worthy aspect to it. And would make even the most timid headbang to it.

The only real problem I had with The Chariot’s new release, outside of the jumbled lyrics (Godly message I know you’re in there some where, one day when I have a college degree I’ll find ya!), was that basically these guys redid four old songs and put out two new ones. I personally would have perfered six brand new tracks.

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